Welcome to The Swordmark Company!
We've been in business for about 24 years.
All our employees are either professional swordfight
choreographers or history buffs. Everyone here loves
the cool stuff we sell, and we'll do everything we can
to help you find something here to love too.
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We accept money orders, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. Click the "Order Here" button above for more ordering information.
Website, layout, text & all graphics © 1992-2016 The Swordmark Company
And here's the required legal stuff: The Swordmark Company, its employees and associated companies, assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, or loss incurred by use of any merchandise sold on this site. We do not personally manufacture items sold here, but we do thoroughly inspect ALL our merchandise for visible defects before selling it to the public. Manufacturer warranties, if any, will be honored through the manufacturer. Compliance with local, state, and federal laws and/or statutes is the responsibility of the purchaser. Weapons will not be sold to individuals under the age of 18 without the permission or consent of a parent or adult guardian. Purchase of merchandise from The Swordmark Company implies agreement to the above statements by the purchaser.
The Swordmark Company, P.O. Box 49592, Atlanta, GA 30359, (770) 498-3667