Civil War Letter Opener
This letter opener looks like a Civil War-era saber, or a dragoon saber if you're not up on American history. It measures about 8-1/2 inches long.
Civil War Letter Opener $12 each (Add $5.60 shipping)
Broadsword Letter Opener
This letter opener looks like a Medieval broadsword. It measures about 9-1/2 inches long. It comes with the scabbard shown above.
Broadsword Letter Opener $15 each (Add $5.60 shipping)
Knights of the Round Table Letter Opener
This letter opener is the small version of a full-sized dagger (discontinued) called the Round Table dagger, made by United Cutlery. It comes with the ceramic stand shown. In its stand, the letter opener is about 9-1/2 inches tall. Of course, the letter opener will come out of the stand when you need to use it.
Round Table Letter Opener $20 each (Add $7 shipping)
The Swordmark Company, P.O. Box 49592, Atlanta, GA 30359, (770) 498-3667