More than 50 million people around the globe have grown up with The Lord of the Rings, an epic tale of a perilous quest to save humanity. The book has been translated into at least 25 different languages and named the most popular book of the 20th century.
United Cutlery produced premium quality reproductions of each of the primary swords used in the films. All swords in this series are made of tempered 420 J2 stainless steel and include a certificate of authenticity.
Sting is the magical sword given to Frodo Baggins by his cousin Bilbo, the original Ringbearer. It is up to Frodo and the chosen "Fellowship" to cast the Ring back into the fires of Mount Doom, where it was originally forged, and destroy it once and for all. Bilbo gives Sting, a sword made by Elves in the ancient days, to Frodo to serve him on his harrowing journey. Bilbo carried Sting with him when he originally acquired the Ring from Gollum. Sting's blade glows when Orcs, the violent footsoldiers of Sauron, are present. Engraved on the blade and cross guard are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that say "Maegnas is my name, I am the spider's bane."
Sting is featured in all three films. The sword comes with a hardwood wall display plaque with a woodgrain finish and silkscreened runes.
The sword's overall length is 22 inches with a blade length of 15 inches. The blade is 1/4 inch thick and engraved with a rune design in the Elven language. The handle is a hardwood adorned with an Elven vine design. The guard and pommel are solid metal with an antiqued metal finish.
Sting $129 (Add $15 shipping)
Anduril was reforged from the Shards of Narsil for Aragorn by elven smiths in Rivendell. Elrond said of the legendary blade, "The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walk this earth." The inscription down the length of the blade on both sides is in the Tolkien language of Quenya, written in the runes of Eregion, that translates to "I am Anduril who was Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Let the thralls of Mordor flee me." The blade inscription features runes framed by stylized symbols of the Sun and the Moon, which represent the sons of Elendil, and seven symbolic stars that represent Elendil, who died wielding Narsil in battle against Sauron. Engraved on the pommel are runes in the Elven language that say "Narsil is my name, a mighty sword; Telchar made me in Nogrod".
The sword comes with a hardwood wall display plaque with a woodgrain finish and silk screened designs.
The sword's overall length is 52-7/8 inches with a 1/4 inch thick blade. Blade length is 40-5/8 inches. The sword features a genuine leather-wrapped handgrip and 24-K gold plated fittings.
Anduril $199 (Add $25 shipping)
Fighting Knives of Legolas
An ancient race of Middle-earth, Elves are noble, elegant and magical beings in harmony with the natural world and its forces. Legolas Greenleaf, a Sindarin Elf of the Woodland Realm, was sent to Rivendell as a messenger and took part in the Council of Elrond, where he was chosen to represent the Elves in the Fellowship of the Ring.
Legolas, who possesses keen senses, is an expert archer and master with Elven fighting knives, which he carried on his back in scabbards on either side of his quiver. He proved to be a valuable asset to the Fellowship as they journeyed into territories of evil. In keeping with the natural harmony of the Elves, Legolas' Fighting Knives have a flowing organic design, are adorned with Elven vine motifs, and the blades feature a very detailed filigree etch.
The knives have an overall length of 22-3/8 inches each with a blade length of 15-3/4 inches. It comes with a silk screened wood display plaque, adorned with the badge of the Greenleaf family of Legolas.
Fighting Knives of Legolas $199 (Add $25 shipping)